Sonia Forde


Pilates Teacher

About Sonia Forde
I am a mother of two who previously worked in design and communications. Personally I've found Pilates to be a fantastic form of exercise, as well as an effective way of improving overall well being. I decided to share the benefits of my own experience with others, so I undertook a year's Pilates Matwork teacher training course in 2003 and then a further 18-month Apparatus training course in 2005 with the Pilates Foundation UK Ltd.

I am therefore a qualified Pilates Matwork and Apparatus teacher. Body Potential is a company dedicated to sharing the benefits of Pilates exercise and making Pilates accessible to everyone regardless of age or level of fitness.

Body Potential

Body Potential is led, first and foremost, by the pace and needs of its clients. I believe in teaching Pilates with awareness so that you're re-educating your body, not just performing a series of exercises. The long-term aim is for your body to relearn a new way of moving and behaving that over time will become second nature.

Body Awareness
You're also actively encouraged to take this newfound 'body awareness' into your everyday life and functions - whether sitting at your desk, driving your car, doing the gardening or carrying your child. Through this most personal and stimulating of Pilates teaching you'll be helped to realise your body's true potential.